About Us
Oliver’s Harbor is a family-owned business located right in the bustling heart of Gloucester that strives to give anyone who walks in the door the best dining experience possible. Oliver’s Harbor sits among historic sites, gorgeous beaches, and lively parks. We pride ourselves on a style that is open, relaxed, friendly and inclusive.
Our story began way back in 1999 when owners Rose and Gervanio Miranda migrated from Minas Gerais, Brazil to Boston, Massachusetts and began working in the restaurant business immediately. The following year they decided to bring their 4 year old Johayne to the United States with a dream to give her a better life as they started settling in Gloucester. The family continued to grow with additions in 2003 and 2005, Jeovanna and Joseph respectively. After 20 years working in the industry here on Cape Ann they decided to fulfill their life long dream of opening a restaurant of their own. The name Oliver’s Harbor actually derives from a play on Rose’s maiden name, Oliveira. The name holds a great significance to the entire family, being passed down as the middle name of all three kids.
Our food is a distinct blend between French, Brazilian, and Italian cuisine. However we’re always trying to come up with our own twists for otherwise classic dishes. Don’t take our word for it though, stop by and experience it for yourself!

Call us at 978-559-7638 and reserve your seats for an exquisite experience!